Symptoms That Could Indicate Early Onset Diabetes in Your Child
Diabetes is typically though of as an adult illness. The truth of the matter though is that anyone, no matter your age, can have early onset diabetes. The sad news is that there is not much you can do to prevent early onset diabetes in your child. However, knowing what symptoms to look out for could lead to early detection and treatment of this illness. It is prudent to know the signs of diabetes so as to prevent a diabetic complication known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). [Read More]
The Risk Of Placenta Previa Following An Abortion: What You Need To Know
It's seldom an easy decision for a woman to have an abortion, but it's important to know about the risks this medical procedure sometimes presents. Placenta previa is a problem that can affect pregnant women, and if you have had an abortion, the risk of this complication increases. Learn what causes placenta previa, and find out why an abortion can increase the risk of this dangerous condition. What is placenta previa? [Read More]