• How Do You Know If You Are Suffering From Pink Eye?

    Do you or someone close to you have what appears to be an infection in the corner of their eye? Could this be "pink eye," and if so, what do you need to know about it?  Understand The Condition Pinkeye is the street name for a condition known as conjunctivitis. This involves an inflammation of the membrane that covers the white of your eye and runs along the edge of your eyelid. [Read More]

  • Delivery Options That You Can Discuss With Your Obstetrician

    What some women may take for granted about giving birth is that their chosen method of delivery may end up not being their actual delivery method. Considering the magnitude of carrying and birthing a child, some complications could crop up that would have you change your original birth plan. Fortunately, familiarizing yourself with the different options available can go a long way toward easing any anxiety if you do end up having to switch your plan. [Read More]

  • Proper First Aid for a Bee Sting

    A bee sting is one of the most painful experiences that you can have. Most of the times, it catches you when you are out and about, minding your business and not being keen on your surroundings. At other times, especially when you are cleaning up and decide to dismantle a hive, you practically invite the bees to hurt you. What you need to know about bees is that they do not sting unless they feel threatened in some way. [Read More]

  • An Overview Of Three Types Of Retirement Villages

    Whether you're planning your own retirement or considering living arrangements for an elderly relative, you'll want to consider the various types of retirement villages that are available. Retirement villages offer the opportunity to live alongside people of a similar age to yourself without having to worry about property maintenance. It's common to lease property or room within a retirement village, but some communities also offer the opportunity to purchase a property. [Read More]

  • Using Exercise as a Way to Recover From Your Injury

    Suffering from an injury of any kind can leave you feeling as though life is difficult. Whether it's the pain or a reduction in mobility, having to shape your life around an unwanted change is frustrating. Many people find that doing physio is an excellent way to recover. If this is an avenue you're considering, you may want to open up to the possibility of exercise too. Before you do, it's worth learning some tips for success. [Read More]

  • Role of the GP in Managing Chronic Illness

    Chronic illnesses are long-lasting diseases with effects that develop with time. Some of the common chronic diseases among Australians include cancer, diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular diseases and mental illness. The GP, or general practitioner, plays a vital role in helping patients diagnosed with such diseases. Below are some of the roles of the GP in chronic illness management. Creating awareness The GP plays a pivotal role in educating people about chronic illnesses. [Read More]

  • ENT Disorders: Understanding Deviated Nasal Septum

    The nasal septum is a critical structure which separates the two airways of the nose, that is, the nostrils. This septum is primarily made of bone and cartilage, and it is typically strong. However, the position of the septum can shift to one side of the nose, instead of remaining at a mostly midline location. This physical disorder is commonly known as nasal deviated septum. The condition is relatively common and affects numerous individuals, although most are ignorant of the issue. [Read More]

  • The Risk Of Placenta Previa Following An Abortion: What You Need To Know

    It's seldom an easy decision for a woman to have an abortion, but it's important to know about the risks this medical procedure sometimes presents. Placenta previa is a problem that can affect pregnant women, and if you have had an abortion, the risk of this complication increases. Learn what causes placenta previa, and find out why an abortion can increase the risk of this dangerous condition. What is placenta previa? [Read More]

  • Autism And Irlen Syndrome: Advice For Parents

    Autism is a developmental disorder that affects around 115,000 people in Australia. People with autism can experience several symptoms, and there is increasing evidence that the condition can cause problems with vision and/or perception of the person's immediate environment. Irlen Syndrome is a specific perceptual processing disorder that can affect people with autism. Learn more about the condition, and find out what steps you may need to take to help your child cope with the problem. [Read More]

  • Healing a Broken Bone: Four Alternatives to TENS Machines and How They Compare

    With pain relieving properties similar to morphine, a TENS machine creates a frequency of vibration, calibrated to encourage healing and block pain signals. However, a TENS machine is not the only vibrating bone healer. There are other options. If you have a broken bone and are curious about all of the vibratory healing options, take a look at how these alternatives compare to a TENS machine: 1. Massage The effect of a TENS machine is sometimes compared to the effect of rubbing an area. [Read More]